lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?

Keeping the money is very important for if to happened something always is good to have a little the money.

I think that is very important that each one do with their money, however there are that to see that situation economic, although this dependent if the person live with his family, with his wife, if he has children, if he has thought to do a travel, in spite of many peoples work all day without to stop y hardly they see to their children.

I believe that before the money, many peoples should to be  more time with their children, well their children often what the children need is that theirs parents are more time in home and that help them with theirs homework.

Anyway I think that is better to keep the money for if.there is unexpected, I believe that is good spending things neccesaries or anywhere that help us to grew how person too.

In fact, many peoples,majority famous, if they have more dinner they don´t know that to do with the money and each time they want more dinner and more, and after a day  they don´t know that to do in the life.

In spite of, it to many peoples they money is nothing, they prefer to live with little money and to able to be more time with theirs family and to like them to see to theirs sons laugher although haven´t more money.

To sum up, the concept the dinner can to be very different to different peoples, as the use that we use.


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