lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011


  Have you ever travelled in an airplane? When? How many times? Did you feel scared before it? Why?

  Airplanes are the most secure transport, nevertheless people think the opposite. This is due to the fact that there are less planes flying in the sky than cars driving in the streets. But when a plane crushs on the floor,more people die than in a traffic accident. People don´t think that there are more possibilities to have a traffic accident than an airplane accident. 
  It´s probable that the reason of the security of airplanes is because before upload to an airplane, pilots have to pass a test to know if they are drunk,if this is so, they wouldn´t be able to pilot an airplane. And the main reason of traffic accident it´s because some people drive while they are drunk. 
  Airplanes are the fastest transport, especially if you compare it with a bus. Thanks to airplanes we can arrive in Russia from Seville in a few hours, whereas in the past, people had to travel by foot or by horse, and in the same trip we take at least two months to arrived in Russia.
  Airplanes are more comfortable than cars. But most of the people don´t want to travel by plane. Why? The most probable is because of thriller film. In this kind of film it usually appeared an airplane that is going to crash into the ground. The most interesting is that only few of this kind of people, who doesn´t want to travel by plane, they have fear of heights.
  If you travelled in an airplane, you wouldn´t see the typical view but you would see clouds around you. The bad thing is that you wouldn´t be able to take a picture, because it isn´t allow to have cameras, computers or mobile phones running, this is why the working of this kind of item can affect to the functioning of the plane. 
  Other reason to prefer airplanes is that if you travelled by plane, you would have a better attention than by train. In a plane you can eat and drunk whereas in a train you have to take your food from house in most of the cases.
  Anyone can make excuses now not to travelled by plane. If you usually got dizzy, you would be able to take a gum seasickness. If you had fear of heights, you would be able to chose a seat of the aisle and not next to the window.


lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Is it better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city?

   In the past, people usually live in a city or in a countryside, so children grow up in one or another place, but recently, some children have the possibility of study in a city, and if they have a house in a village, they will be able to go during the summer. This option is increasingly typical. In my opinion this is the best option, but you have other option, for example, you can live or in a city or in the country.
   On the one hand, in the countryside, children have got more places to play and run without being worried about cars in the streets. In addition, in the countryside people usually  know each other, so if something bad happens to someone, people start to help immediately; in this type of places people take more care of the person who is next to them although they don´t know him/her. Also they can see every mornings, when they wake up, an amazing view of the dawn, and all nights they can see stars in the sky. Furthermore, other reason to live in the country is health. Children who live in a city usually have more allergies than children who live in the countryside, this is because there are less pollution than in a city.
   On the other hand, in the city, parents have multiple choices about their children´s education. Schools in the city usually have more level than a countryside´s school. Furthermore, in the future, children who have been studying in a village, are going to have less abilities than children who have been studying in the city.
   If you go from Seville to Madrid , you`ll arrive easily because transports in cities are better than in the countryside. As a rule, cities usually have less landscapes than in the countryside. That is why the roads are bigger than in a village, in contrast there are a lot of children who have few places to play.
   So, in my opinion all depends of the kind of person who you´re; your hobbies, your possibilities,... Since if your hobby is cutting grass and you´re a quiet person, I recommend you the village. But if your hobby is going to parties and you are an extrovert person, I recommend you the city.
Until next time!!!!

Parents are the best teachers.


I think that the parents can be the best teachers from theirs children.

For one hand I believe that that is good because the parents good know to his children better than nobody. They can to teach them according the needs the theirs children because they parents understand better to his children as they to live to together in the home . Furthermore they can teach them values that the children can´t found in books, which can to be useful for the life, morever the parents can to teach to theirs children the experience that they have the life that sometimes is more useful that any theory.

For others hand,the parents might get confuse and change
 when the parents are teachers and when they are parents
 although they teach with a lot of afecction they sometimes
 can be too demand because, before for example, the children has
disobey them and now the parents are angry. Or
can happen the opposite that they parents in this moment
are vey happy with their children and are too soft.

In my point of wiev, this matter,is very different in the different families, according with the relationship between the parents and children.and the character of both and the time that the parents pass with theirs childrens too.
Anyway, about this matter there are very mindes.It´s often said that "school family life". if you think about this in the home a part of that the parents can to teach the sisters and brothers too, and the children can to learn seeing to his brothers and sisters older.

To sum up, is better the parents how teachers that the own teacher, however not all people think this form.